To collaborate, a Kahua domain will share its applications with an external party. These are the steps the external party executes when accepting a share:
- The external party will receive a sharing invitation in the Tasks application within their own domain.
- Click on the Tasks icon to load all tasks into the List View window.
- Click on the Kahua Sharing Invitation task to open the Detail View of that task. A right detail pane will appear to display information around the share.
- The external party will need to review the information and determine whether they already have a project created in Kahua for this project or create a new project directly from the task itself. The external party may choose to rename the project other than what the original project name. If the domain does NOT have licenses to support this application being shared, they must purchase Kahua licenses prior to accepting the task.
- Within the task, use the teal navigation bar to navigate to the project that this share relates to, OR click on the Create New Project button. Indicate the project name in the window that appears or choose to leave ‘as is’ from the original project name. Verify the proper project name appears in the teal bar within the task. When complete, click Accept in the task window.
- The third party may now navigate to the appropriate project and application on their site. In that project where they accepted a share, they will navigate to the shared ‘list’ and be able to interact with or access the shared information as required.