Kahua supports many file types so that these files can be viewed and marked up within Kahua even if the native application is not installed on the user's local machine.
Common supported file types include:
- Microsoft Word (docx, docm, doc)
- Microsoft Excel (xlsx, xlsm, xls)
- Microsoft PowerPoint (pptx, pptm, ppt)
- Microsoft Project (mpp)
- Microsoft Visio (vsd, vsdx, vsdm)
- Text (txt)
- Rich Text Format (rtf)
- Image Formats (png, bmp, jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff, gif)
- 2D CAD Formats (dwg, dwf, dwfx, dxf)
- Adobe Acrobat (pdf)
Some less-common extensions also supported by Kahua include:
000 | cgmct | dsf | hgl | iso | par | rlc | vrl |
3ds | cgmt | dsn | hpgl | jp2 | pcd | rle | wmf |
906 | cit | dx | hsf | jpm | pcx | rnl | wrl |
907 | cmi | edc | i3f | m3r | plt | sat | xdl |
arx | csf | edm | icd | mcs | pps | sid | xgl |
asm | dc | emf | icf | mi | ppsx | sldasm | xlw |
axp | dcx | eps | ics | mil | prt | slddrw | xps |
cal | dft | ftk | idw | mot | ps | sldprt | zgl |
cc | dg | g3 | iges | mrk | psd | step | |
ccz | dgn7 | g4 | igs | mvp | psm | stl | |
cg4 | dif | gp4 | ipt | mvs | ref | stp | |
cgm | dls | grp | isf | neu | res | tg4 |
In addition to viewing files, Kahua also supports the streaming of some of the more common audio/video formats:
- Audio formats: MP3, M4A and WAV, as well as several high-fidelity formats (FLAC, AAC, OGA, and OGG)
- Video formats: MP4 and WEBM
For more information on streaming formats: Supported File Types for Streaming Audio/Video Player
Finally, Kahua clients who have purchased Kahua’s Model Viewing & Markup license also have the ability to view and markup 3D files and models. Supported formats include:
- Autodesk Revit (rvt)
- Autodesk Navisworks (nwd)
- Industry Foundation Class (ifc)
- Trimble Sketchup (skp)
For more information about Kahua’s Model Viewing & Markup license, contact your Kahua representative or visit the kStore. Note: All prices in the kStore are shown in USD.