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Domain Settings

Administrators can use the Domain Settings app to update settings for their domain such as the domain name, security settings, domain defaults, logo file, and enabling the data store (if applicable). 

To open the Domain Settings app, navigate to it in your Apps Repository. There are four tabs in the app:
Authentication tab

Domain Defaults

Data Store

Getting Started Settings

Authentication tab

This tab contains the following sections: 

  • Change Domain Name - Select this option to change the name of your domain. Changing the domain name will update the company name on each user's profile. Enter the new Domain Name and click Ok.

    Note that to update your company name in the Community, you must modify it in the Company Profiles app. Refer to Company Profiles.

  • Allow request for the following email domains to be approved automatically - You can enter one or more email domains here to allow new user requests from email addresses with those domains to be automatically approved. For example, if you enter "" as an email domain here, a new user request from someone with an email address of "" will automatically be approved. Separate multiple email domains with commas or semi-colons.
  • Password Strength Requirements – Enter your desired minimum password strength requirements. These must be the same or greater than Kahua's minimum requirements.
  • Account Security Requirements – Additional security requirements can be set by clicking the toggle next to each requirement you want to apply. Here you can apply the following settings:
    • Lock user sessions after a set number of minutes of inactivity.
    • Expire user sessions after a set number of minutes of inactivity.
    • Expire user sessions after a set number of minutes.
    • After a defined number of failed login attempts, prevent logging back in for a defined number of minutes.
    • Require users to change their passwords after a set number of days.

Additionally, you can change the number of previous passwords that are not allowed for reuse. That number must be the same or greater than Kahua's minimum requirements.

  • Reset to default - Select this to return both the Password Strength Requirements and the Account Security Requirements to the Kahua defaults.

  • Default Authentication, Enable Single Sign-on - If you want to use single sign-on (SSO) authentication, contact Kahua Support for more details.

  • External User Authentication - Kahua provides the ability to require additional security measures for external users who you want to have access to your Kahua projects. An external user is a user that has an established account on their own organization's instance of Kahua, but has been invited as a direct user in your Users app.

    To require external authentication for these users, click the Require External Authentication toggle to enable it. From the dropdown menu, select one of the following options:
    • None – No additional authentication is required. This behaves as if the setting were not enabled.
    • Kahua MFA – This will force the user to use multi-factor authentication using an authenticator app. For more information on using MFA in Kahua, refer to Managing Multifactor Authentication in your domain.
    • Single Sign-on – The option will have external users use your organization’s SSO provider in the exact same way your internal users do. NOTE: An SSO account for each external users will need to be established with your provider to allow access to Kahua.

  • Manage Authentication Groups - Authentication Groups allow you to manage authentication settings at a group level, rather than applying changes to each user individually. Select this option to manage authentication groups, and to select a default group that will be applied to all users by default. You can also create additional authentication groups to manage named users with different authentication needs. For more information, refer to Managing Multifactor Authentication in your domain.

Domain Defaults

This tab contains the following settings:

  • Timezone - Select the appropriate time zone. This time zone is used when generating Kahua printable views. For individual users, times within apps will be converted to the time zone set in their My Settings page.

  • Default Font and Default Font Size - Font and font size will only be updated in rich text fields, such as the body of a letter, meeting minutes, agenda details, etc. This does NOT change your font across standard Kahua applications.

  • Allow anonymous file access - When enabled, this gives users the ability to send hyperlinks of files from File Manager to Kahua users and non-users. Permissions for anonymous file access can also be managed at the partition level through the Configuration app. At that level you can also set links to expire after a certain amount of time or when a new version of a shared document is uploaded. For more information, refer to Anonymous File Access Settings .

  • Pinning - Select this to allow users to pin documents to drawings.

  • Enable Cost Configuration - Cost configuration gives domain administrators control over the way users interact with budgets and expenditures. For more information, refer to Cost Configuration.

  • Enable Approval Task Delegation - Select this option to allow users to delegate approval tasks in approval workflows. Users can automatically delegate tasks to a designated user through the Out of Office feature, found on their My Settings page.

  • Enable Title Block Extraction - Select this option to allow Title Block Extraction on drawings. For more information, refer to Title Block Extraction.

  • Permission Filtering - Enabling this allows you to add filters to different permission groups for specific applications.

  • File Sync - Select this to allow your users to sync files from File Manager to their local computer. For more information, refer to Local Files (Kahua File Manager Synchronization).

  • Offline - Selecting this option allows users to work offline and then sync with Kahua when they are back online. Refer to Kahua Offline.

  • Exclude new users from the Domain User group - Select this option to prevent new users from being added to the "Domain User" group by default. Typically, when new apps are introduced to Kahua, members of the Domain User group have Contributor permissions by default. If this is not desired behavior at your organization, select this option.

  • Custom Support URL - If your organization hosts host your own Kahua support knowledge base page, you can enable this setting to direct users to your custom content from the help link on the Kahua Home Page and the help link under the users' profile image. After enabling this option, enter your custom URL and click Save.

  • Custom Support Button Label - Select this option modify the text on the Help button on the Kahua Home page for all users in your domain. After enabling this option, enter text for the label and click Save.

  • Access Banner - Enabling this option allows you to enter text that will appear each time a user logs into your Kahua domain. The user will click Ok to clear the message. You can use this feature to communicate terms and conditions for access to your domain or other messages as needed.

  • Enable Windows Desktop Download - When this setting is enabled, the Download Kahua for Windows option will appear in two locations for users logged into the Web Host. It will appear when they select their user profile in the header, and as an icon in the lower right corner of the footer. Selecting the option from the user profile will download the Desktop Host for installation. Selecting the option from the footer will provide the choice to install or open the Desktop Host, if it is already installed.

  • Split Screen - This setting establishes the default for users in your domain in their preferences setting. Users can modify their setting in their user profile. For more information, refer to Your User Settings and Preferences.

  • Send Kahua Message for DocuSign - When this setting is enabled, if a document is sent to DocuSign for signature and the recipient is a Kahua user, a Kahua message will be sent to the DocuSign approval recipient. This message will alert the recipient to check their email for a document that is ready for signing in DocuSign.

  • Gmail Plugin Settings- There are two settings available for the Gmail Plugin.
    • Allow the use of the Gmail plugin from email accounts that do not match the Kahua login - Select this option to allow users with an email account that is different than the one they use to log in to Kahua with to use the Gmail plugin.
    • Expire user sessions after # minutes - Enter the length of time a user session should be valid for. 

Data Store


The data store collects data on system activities for use in creating custom reports with Stimulsoft or a third-party reporting tool.

If you anticipate using custom reports, you can turn the data store on at any time to collect data. It is recommended you work with Kahua to do so if you plan to mine data in this way, as there may be a cost associated with setup of the VPN services required. The data store allows access to your raw SQL data through a VPN connection.

Note: kBuilder training is recommended to learn to create custom reports. Please contact us to learn more about kBuilder.

Domain Branding

This is where you can add the company logo for branding purposes.


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