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As a Domain Administrator, you can assign and/or revoke licenses for users. 

Licenses that have been assigned can be revoked and reassigned to other users if a user no longer requires a license. To apply licenses, the recipient must have completed registration for a Kahua account. If the user does not yet have a Kahua account, please see the the User article around how-to setup a user.

  1. Open the Licenses app – this application is in the Administration section of the app menu.
  2. Select the license type that you would like to assign – each licenses type purchased will appear in this application. The application will detail how many licenses have been purchased, as well as the number that have been assigned or remain to assign.
  3. Click Assign to assign the selected license to a user. You can also click Assign Multiple to assign multiple licenses at a time to multiple users. If you attempt to assign a license to a user who already has that license, the system will not re-apply yet another license to that user.

When the newly licensed user logs in, their app menu will now include additional applications based upon licenses applied and permissions granted in the Groups app (see articles on creating Groups, and updating permissions in groups for more on granting access to specific partitions).

Note: At any time, you can visit this same location to revoke licenses from users if they have left the company or no longer require access. To do so, click on the license you want to revoke, then click on the user’s name in the log and click Revoke. If the license is not expired, you can then reassign the license to a different user if needed. 

To fully remove a user, we recommend removing licenses as well as removing permissions in Groups.

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