This section provides a list of additional features available.
- Move a dashboard widget by selecting and holding on the widget title and dragging to a new location (in edit mode)
- Size a dashboard widget by selecting and holding on the widget outside frame and dragging to desired size (in edit mode)
- Manually refresh the dashboard by selecting the Refresh icon.
- Hover over results for counts and values
- Click-through to backing records on chart values (Chart Type). This will open the app and pre-filter the selected view based on the attribute grouping. If more than one attribute grouping is defined, only the first will be used in the filter.
- Click-through to backing records on count values (Number Tile). This will open the app and load the log for the selected View.
- When grouping by a Date, the user can select from the following options:
- None
- Day – the actual date, as a number (1, 2, 3, etc.)
- Month – the month of the date (January, February, etc.)
- Weekday – the day of the week for the date (Monday, Tuesday, etc.)
- Year – the year of the date (2020, 2021, etc.)