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Task Delegation

Tasks can be manually delegated or automatically delegated to other users in your domain. When you delegate a task, you are reassigning it to another user. The delegated task will appear in their tasks application. 

You can manually delegate tasks assigned to you, or you can set up automatic delegation for yourself for a period of time, for when you are on vacation for example or otherwise unable respond to tasks. 

Additionally, an administrator can manually delegate tasks assigned to users by using the Project Tasks app, or they can set up automatic delegation on behalf of others in the Users application.

Important information to know about delegating tasks includes the following:

  • Tasks can only be delegated to contacts in your primary domain.  If the delegated task is from another domain and the user the task is delegated to does not have a contact record on that domain, the delegated user will be added as a contact in that domain. 
  • For automatic task delegation, you can select a beginning and end date for task delegation to occur. All newly received tasks during this time frame will be delegated, existing tasks will not. All delegated tasks will remain delegated when the delegation period ends, or the delegation is manually disabled.
  • Tasks associated with apps that allow delegation will be delegated. The majority of apps allow delegation.
  • If the task is part of an approval workflow, the Enable Approval Task Delegation setting in the Domain Settings application must be turned on for that task to be delegated. For more information on how to enable approval task delegation, refer to Domain Settings.
  • Join requests cannot be delegated.
  • Once a task is delegated, the delegation cannot be undone, i.e., the original recipient of the task cannot undo the delegation.


Manually delegate a task assigned to you

You can manually delegate a task assigned to you to another user. To do so, complete the following steps:

  1. Review the header to ensure that you are in the correct project or partition.
  2. Open the item to be delegated. Items can be delegated when opened from the Tasks app or when the item is opened directly in the source application.
  3. Select Delegate from the action bar. 

  4. The Delegate Task window opens.

  5. Complete the fields on the Delegate Task window.
    • Select the user to delegate the task to. This user must be another user on your domain.  If the delegated task is from another domain and the user the task is delegated to does not have a contact record on that domain, the delegated user will be added as a contact in that domain.
    • Select Notify Orginator to send a message to the user who originally created or submitted the task.
    • Enter text in the Message field to be added to the message sent to the task originator. 
  6. Click Submit when you are done.

Enable automatic task delegation for yourself

To delegate tasks assigned to you to another user during a set period of time, click on your user profile in header and navigate to My Settings > Out of Office. Complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Automatically delegate tasks during the out of office period check box. 
  2. Enter the From and To dates for the Out of Office period. 
  3. Select the user who will act on your behalf. This user must be a member of your primary domain. If a task comes in from another domain and the delegated user is not yet a member of that domain, the delegated user will be added as a contact in that domain. 
  4. Select Notify originator that task was delegated to have a message sent to the originator of the task letting them know that the task was delegated and enter text to be included in that message. 

Manually delegate a task assigned to another user

The Project Tasks app allows you as an administrator to delegate tasks received by a user in your domain to other users in your domain.

Note that not all tasks can be delegated. If the task is part of an approval workflow, the Enable Approval Task Delegation setting in the Domain Settings application must be turned on for that task to be able to be delegated. Additionally, in some applications, task delegation may be intentionally suppressed and the Delegate action will not be available.

Tasks that have already been delegated cannot be "re-delegated" from the Project Tasks app. To modify the recipient of a delegated task, you can either have the task originator recall the task and resend it, or have the person the task is currently delegated to delegate it to someone else.

To delegate a task from the Project Tasks app, complete the following steps:

  1. Review the header to ensure that you are in the correct project or partition.
  2. Navigate to Apps > Administration > Project Tasks.
  3. From the log view, select the task to be delegated to open the detail view.
  4. Select Delegate from the action bar. The Delegate Task window opens.

  5. Complete the fields on the Delegate Task window.
    • Select the user to delegate the task to.  This user must be another user on your primary domain.  If the delegated task is from another domain and the user the task is delegated to does not have a contact record on that domain, the delegated user will be added as a contact in that domain.
    • Select Notify Orginator to send a message to the user who originally created or submitted the task.
    • Enter text in the Message field to be added to the message sent to the task originator. 
  6. Click Submit when you are done. 

Enable automatic task delegation for another user

Users with the appropriate permissions can set up task delegation for other users in the Users application.

To set up task delegation for an active user in your domain, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Users app.
  2. Click on the user's name in the user list to open the detail pane.
  3. Scroll to the delegation section.
  4. Select Automatically delegate tasks during the out of office period to enable task delegation.
  5. Enter the From and To dates for the Out of Office period. 
  6. Select the user to whom the tasks will be delegated. This user must be another user on your primary domain.  If the delegated task is from another domain and the user the task is delegated to does not have a contact record on that domain, the delegated user will be added as a contact in that domain.
  7. Select Notify originator that task was delegated to have a message sent to the originator of the task letting them know that the task was delegated and enter text to be included in that message. 
  8. Click Save when you are done.

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