NOTE: The below article details this feature for our customers utilizing our Kahua for Owner’s and Kahua for GC’s applications, which excludes custom workflow or configuration. Specific customer configuration, customers utilizing other versions of these applications, or custom application features may differ in functionality or processes to those outlined below. For more details on training guides specific to your company, please check with your company IT or Domain Administrator prior to submitting a request to Kahua Support.
Creating a Contract
The Funding Contracts application allows you to create an Owner Contract. Not all companies may choose to utilize this application, but it is often utilized prior to entering a detailed budget in your Budget application. Please note that Funding Contracts is not where you will enter downstream commitments – these contracts against your budget will be tracked in the Expense applications. Cost amounts are tracked in Work Breakdown according to status. To access the Funding Contracts application, open the Apps repository. Under the Cost Management suite of applications click on Funding.
This will launch the Funding Applications which may include:
To create a new Funding Contract, select the Contracts tab, then click the New button to open a new record. Notice a new form on the right side of the screen. Populate the Contract Details such as Date, Description, Template, and Type.
In the Parties section, select who the From Contact should be on the Contract. After selecting the From Contact, the Company, Company Id (if applicable), Company Office, and Company Address will populate automatically.
Enter the scope information such as Not To Exceed Amount, Scope of Work, General Provisions, Work Retainage Rate, Stored Material Retainage Rate, Number of Pages, and Notes in the Scope section.
If you choose to use the available workflow options, you will not need to enter dates in the Dates & Workflow section manually as this will increment for you as it routes through workflow.
To add contract line items, navigate to the Items grid. However, there is the option to add multiple line items by clicking Insert. Select the applicable cost codes and fill out the remaining details regarding this record. To view the Funding Contract Items in further detail, click more details
icon next to the Funding Contract Item number. This view allows for additional detail on the item such as the Scope of Work, Notes, and additional Comments. Use the Previous and Next action buttons to sort through the Items if needed.
Click Done once all detail has been provided.
Documents can be attached to the record under the References section. The user can either Upload a document saved on their computer, Add Kahua Doc to reference a document that is stored within Kahua’s File Manager application or Add Approval Doc which is used anytime a record is being routed for Review or Signature.
Once all detail has been filled out, click Save/Close. Prior to submitting into any workflow, typically an approval doc should be created.
Budget Adjustment Action Buttons
Once the fields within the record have been completed and saved, the users can select from several actions:
- Send - Use messaging to send record details to others (do not confuse with a workflow)
- Edit - Update and maintain the record
- View - This action button displays the Portable View (document view)
- Delete - Select this action button to delete a record (typically permission based, so all may not see this)
- History - All updates/changes are tracked
Do not confuse Sending with using the workflow buttons in any application. Documents can be sent via a message within Kahua to either existing Kahua users or users outside of Kahua by entering their email address and clicking Enter. The documents are treated as attachments, and the message can be copied to the Communications application by checking the box.
The record can be updated as needed during the process. If the document is out for Review or Signature, Edit will not be available.
Records can be viewed as a Portable View in which a PDF version of the Budget data is generated and can be printed out. Select the PDF Icon to generate a printable PDF version of the document.
The History action button provides details regarding all activity (Creation, Updates, Saves, etc.) performed on the record. To see specific detail related to the updates made, click the View Edit button.
If approval workflow has not yet been configured for this application in Kahua, increment the status manually by using the ‘Set To’ button at the bottom of the record. The option to manually Set To Projected, Pending, Approved, or Approved & Lock. The selection will determine where the values are on the Work Breakdown.
If workflow is being used on the project, Kahua supports both a review process and a formal signature process. For more details of how Kahua approval processes work, see the Submitting into Workflow section.