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Getting Started App

Note that with the introduction of the Kahua Home page, we will be deprecating the Getting Started app.  The Getting Started app will no longer be available following the 2024.3 release.  Refer to the 2024.3 Release Notes for more information.

The Getting Started app provides links to recent tasks, projects, and messages. Educational material, self-help resources, support, and user account configuration for Domain Administrators are also easily accessible from Getting Started. 

Navigation Key: 

  1. Domain/Project Name and Project Details – The current project or domain that you are operating in. Hovering over the Project Name shows the “path” for which the project is located.
    • The information icon next to your project name shows you detailed information about this project (details, measurements, status, address or property, and roster). You can edit project information from this window. This is often the first place you will make edits when a new project has been created.
  2. Current App – The current application you are working in.
  3. App Window - Click this to collapse or open the side app view. 
  4. Apps – All of your Kahua apps.  The list of apps here will dynamically change based on your permission level.
  5. Project Finder – Navigate between domains and projects.
  6. Search – Ability to search Kahua globally.
  7. Open Applications Bar – Any pinned applications and any currently open applications; apps can be closed by right-clicking on the app and selecting ‘Close’.
  8. Recent Tasks – Your most recently assigned tasks.
  9. Recent Messages – Your most recently received messages.
  10. Tasks by App – Analytical data concerning your outstanding tasks, organized by the app the task is in, as well as due date
  11. Open Tasks – Analytical data concerning your outstanding tasks, showing how many you have and how many days you have left to complete them.
  12. Recent Projects – Your most recently accessed projects and quick links to them.
  13. Tour of Kahua – By default, opens a page in the Kahua Knowledge Base with a list of resources for learning about Kahua.  Your organization may have customized this link to point to a customized resource.  For more information on customizing the link, refer to Domain Settings.
  14. Complete your Profile – Opens your account settings (contact information, default preferences, setting your signature, etc.). You can also access this in the upper right corner by clicking on your profile and selecting ‘My Settings’.
  15. Help Center – By default, opens a new browser window for Kahua Support’s website.  Your organization may have customized this link to point to a customized resource.  For more information on customizing the link, refer to Domain Settings.
  16. Tasks – Tasks assigned to you that you can manage and complete (the number is those that have not yet been addressed)
  17. Messages – Messages or notifications sent to you (the number is those that you have not read yet).
  18. Logo – Your company logo.  This is set in the Domain Settings app.  Refer to Domain Settings.

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